4 YouTube Channels to Give You the Study Motivation You Need

These YouTubers are generous with their productivity tips and intentional in their habits…

Damla Ozdemir
6 min readJun 8, 2021
Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

Some students are currently working hard to get through their final exams before they can enjoy the warmer months, while others have finished up the school year but are looking to stay productive during the summer break. Adults are also always looking for study motivation, whether to get ahead in their careers through investing in new skills, or to keep their minds and curiosity sharp with lifelong learning. The reasons behind studying are as diverse as the fields of study that exist in the world.

The YouTubers that are listed below have particularly captivating perspectives on education. They have approaches that have been useful for them, and collectively inspire millions of students who want to work on building healthy study habits. On the surface, it can seem like most of these types of YouTube channels are targeted exclusively for exam-taking students — mainly in secondary (high) school and university — but the inspiration that they provide is far-reaching. Whatever stage you are in life, it is useful to gain a few insights from different voices.

Plus, it is difficult not to feel a deep urge to improve your own productivity after watching these channels, and productivity is something that goes beyond the student experience, into all aspects of life. So essentially, in addition to spreading a love of study, these YouTubers will help you make the most of your time while also making time for healthy living.

UnJaded Jade

You can always rely on Jade to deal out some positive vibes and and relatable content. The way that she presents herself in her lowest, most stressed points of her education journey, as well as in her successes, has gained her the support of more than half a million subscribers since she started her channel four years ago. Although she shares many sides of her day to day life, including her hobbies, mental health, and travel, her content revolves around her student study tips.

She has helped many people through tough finals seasons, but her contributions do not end there. I personally love her more general, productivity videos, such as her advice on to-do lists, her walkthrough of setting goals during the pandemic, and her take on New Year’s resolutions. However, the one video that I think has made the most impact for me has been her guide to Notion — a productivity app that has gotten my life more in order — where she even provides a free template.

Plus, her videos are simply fascinating to watch because she goes to a no-campus university that spends each semester in a different city around the world. Interesting, right? Yes, there are certain difficulties with that system of learning which I, along with much of her audience, would like her to address better. Until then, it is great to be able to watch a study channel that has a satisfying amount of spice in the form of travel content.

Watching people vlog their study days for weeks on end can be drier than doing the studying yourself, but her approach and lifestyle keep things fresh!

Ruby Granger

Ruby has been around for six years, and is one of the most popular “StudyTubers”, as they are often called. She is a self-proclaimed “Study Enthusiast” with a quirky nostalgia that is a breath of fresh air on YouTube. If you look back at her earliest videos, you can see her obsession for Hermione Granger (from Harry Potter) at full intensity. However, these days her content is more varied, although she maintains the spirit of reading and education that is at the heart of Hermione’s character.

Her Study Day vlogs are fascinating to watch due to their sheer lengths. Studying sessions of 14 or 15 hours in one day is too much for me to handle, but interesting to see in action! It is also crazy to think that she can read 102 books in ONE year while maintaining her grades. Now, I am not saying that the number of books read is any real indication of how much one retains from said books, but her dedication to making time to read every day is an admirable result of her productivity efforts.

Personally, I don’t think that I would be able or willing to commit to the amount of studying that Ruby appears to be capable of, but I like to have a little encouragement for my own studies by beginning my busier days with one of her videos.

I would like to add that I find her little ways of personalizing her study routine to be very cute. For example, she uses a quill dipped in ink to outline her essays. Isn’t that such a great touch to bring some soul and novelty into work? I think we could all be a bit more creative in the way that we approach our daily habits or responsibilities.


Paige is one of those YouTubers who makes you feel motivated through the drive that she shows in all her vlogs, while simultaneously making you more stressed about her exams than your own. I can only watch her style of content in small doses, and only when I am in a more relaxed, exam-free period of my life. In those cases, she really helps me get going with my personal projects, but if I try to watch her as an accompaniment to my own studying, she only makes me more tense! I think that the main appeal of her videos is their raw quality. They can be very frantic, and not so aesthetic — but hey, that’s life!

She has a whole slew of vlogs at Cambridge University, where she studied Physics as an undergraduate. During her time there, she was also on the rowing team. This means that there are lots of very early morning routines on her channel. I find it motivating to see how she manages to balance her life as a student athlete with her heavy course load. It is hugely inspiring to see her begin the day as her tired, moody self — as most of us are — and get energized by her rowing practice before the start of the first of her classes.

Laura Medley

I go to Laura’s channel when I want something productive but also *aesthetic*. Also, she provides a different perspective on the StudyTube community because she was a media student before she dropped out of college. She is definitely the odd one out from this list! I find her videos uplifting when I have set my mind on a personal project, since she is more focused on studying and creating to develop her career than to get good grades or pass an exam.

It may be true that many of her subscribers started to watch her videos three years ago due to her focus on academia — she made similar “study tips” videos to those channels listed above — but people in the comments have been saying that her lifestyle change is not going to stop them from watching her content. In my opinion, she presents a different genre of motivation that is wonderful to see on YouTube.

Her videos reconsider the purpose of education, and advocate for adapting them to specific needs.

So there we have it. Some channels for you to explore in those days that you lack the willpower to get out of bed, and also on those better days when you feel like you could finish an essay, read a book, create a short film, and write a blog post, all before dinner.

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Damla Ozdemir

Duke University ’23 🏫 Worldschooling/Unschooling ✏️ 9 countries, 3 continents, 2 boarding schools, 10 languages 🏫